Personal Injury & Fatal Accident Cases – Lump Sum Awards

Pollock Actuarial are regularly instructed to produce reports for solicitors across the United Kingdom and give evidence in cases of Personal Injury or Fatal Accident.

The main areas where Pollock Actuarial provide support to the legal profession are as follows:-

Pension Loss Calculations – often one of the more complex heads of claim, Pollock Actuarial provide a full report which can cover a range of pre and post accident employment scenarios. The full detail of the calculation process is provided in the report to provide the Court with as much information as possible and to minimise areas of disagreement with other involved parties. All types of pension schemes are covered; final salary, money purchase, hybrid schemes, personal pensions and Auto-enrolment schemes.

Fatal Accidents – calculation of loss of support from earnings before retirement and pension rights after retirement. A complex area where practice differs across the UK and where actuarial input is often valuable. Calculations are made using the conventional ‘expected period of dependency’ approach or on a more exact ‘joint life’ basis.

Loss of Earnings – assistance with the interpretation and adjustment of the Ogden Tables and associated considerations. Subdivision of multipliers to allow for promotional increments in pay.

Cost of Care and Interpretation of Life Expectancy Evidence – calculation of multipliers based on impaired life expectancy and associated calculations. John has a PhD in Medical Statistics and considerable experience in the life expectancy field.

Valuation of Lost Share Options – where required Pollock Actuarial can value share related benefits using sophisticated option pricing models.